Your search for jobs in Amsterdam stops here. Are you looking for a new challenge, next career step or a new project? We’ve been connecting professionals with international companies & organizations for 20+ years! As one of the leading International Recruitment firms in The Netherlands Octagon offers a large variety of vacancies in IT, Sales & Marketing, Finance, Business Support (HR, Procurement, Legal, Service) and Leadership & Speciality functions.
Working in Amsterdam
Amsterdam is a great place to live, work and enjoy life. Amsterdam is an old international capital city with a modern look. Amsterdam is extremely international with about 2,500 multinationals with offices in the Dutch capital. With this the city offers plenty of opportunities for internationals to develop their career. There is a large and thriving expat community always open to new expats.
Jobs Amsterdam
Visit our vacancies page to get an overview of all jobs in Amsterdam based on your functional expertise, spoken languages or join our network to keep you posted for relevant opportunities!
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Types of companies we work with
Octagon has serviced many multinationals and internationals organizations during the years. For a specific understanding of the different companies we work with and some good examples, check out the Sector & Industry experience part and explore the different sections. Also be sure to check types of companies when it comes to set up, size and current phase, as well as the geographic origin to get a more around sense of our focus– connecting international companies & organisations with talent!!
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