FAQ: Payroll taxes and employment in the Netherlands
Here we have compiled a list of frequently asked questions about payroll taxes in the Netherlands that our payroll and HR specialists regularly get asked. If your business needs support setting up their operations, or have a specific challenge involving ...
Wage breakdown: salary, social security, and payroll tax for the Netherlands
As business owners and working people, you know that wage and “take-home pay” are often very different after payroll tax. In the Netherlands, the average amount of take-home-pay from gross salary is only 70%. Expats often need to know — ...
EXPLAINED: Employment contracts in the Netherlands
If you are preparing to employ staff in the Netherlands, you know you will need to develop employment contracts. Employment contracts are vital legal documents whereby details of the employment relationship between employee, and your company are portrayed. In addition, ...
7 types of employee leave in the Netherlands
In the Netherlands, we have some of the best procedures that help us maintain a strong work/life balance. So how do we achieve this? We’ve considered all of the reasons an employee may need to take leave from work and ...
How Payroll Services Can Simplify your Expansion to the Netherlands
Starting or expanding your business to any new market is challenging. It is essential to focus on doing work that adds value to your business in these early stages but navigating the legal and compliance work that comes along with ...
Explained: Employee handbook for the Netherlands
An employee handbook is a highly valuable document for any company to create. The handbook is not only a handy tool for communicating with your people, but it is also necessary to protect your company from legal risk. The more ...
Work Visas in the Netherlands
Moving to a new country is exciting – but planning the paperwork is absolutely not. Nonetheless, finding the right work visa for the Netherlands is one of the first steps you need to solve before the move! Regardless of whether ...
Dutch COVID-19 Business Relief Measures (NOW)(UPDATE 2022)
It’s been nearly 2 years since the Dutch government first implemented the Temporary Emergency Measures Bridging Employment package (also known as ‘NOW’) to help businesses retain their employees during COVID-19. There have been several updates to these measures since it ...