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Master Your Interview: 5 Tips for Success

In the competitive world of job hunting, making a strong impression during an interview is crucial. It’s not just about showcasing your qualifications but also about being personable and prepared. The right balance of professionalism and approachability can set you ...

Five Key Elements Recruiters Seek When Reviewing a Resume

Crafting a standout resume/CV that captures a recruiter’s attention in the Netherlands can be a unique challenge. If you’re aiming to make a memorable impression, this guide is here to help. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a newcomer to ...

Navigating Holiday Allowance and Paid Time Off

Navigating Holiday Allowance and Time-Off Policies in the Netherlands

Summer is here in the Netherlands, which means everybody is preparing their out-of-office messages for their holidays! It is also the time of year businesses really review their time-off policies in the Netherlands. Although employers in the Netherlands are required ...

Sustainable employment

EXPLAINED: Sustainable Employment and its Core Elements 

What is Sustainable Employment?  Sustainable employment is creating and maintaining jobs that are stable, fulfilling, and capable of bearing economic and social changes. It is the commitment to long-term job security, fair wages, and healthy working conditions while supporting employees’ ...

Difference between employer of record and payroll services

Why the decision matters: the difference between EOR and payroll

Employer of Record (EOR) services and payroll services are two approaches businesses can utilise to manage their workforce. They are key resources that can be used when looking to expand into a new market.

Employer of Record blog - EOR

EXPLAINED: Employer of Record (EOR) Services

Expanding to a new market is an exciting time for any business. There is plenty of opportunities in the Netherlands, but also plenty of room for risk and costs. One way to mitigate some of this risk, while also taking ...

Recruitment and AI

Navigating recruitment in the age of AI

AI is changing how companies find and hire people. AI tools make recruiting faster and more efficient, taking over tasks that used to take a lot of time and effort. But using AI in hiring also comes with challenges. In this post, we’ll look at the pros and cons of using AI in recruitment.

Works council

EXPLAINED: Works councils in the Netherlands

Are you familiar with the ‘Works Council’ for businesses in the Netherlands? A works council in the Netherlands is probably the most important representative body of employee interests for a company. A works council (in Dutch: ondernemingsraden, OR) is made ...