Ultimate Checklist: Moving to the Netherlands
Preparing to move abroad is an exciting (albeit stressful) life situation for anyone. Fortunately, the Netherlands is such a popular country to live and work in for skilled professionals from anywhere in the world – and settling there does not ...

Top attractions to visit in the Netherlands this Summer (2022)
Summer holidays have kicked off across the Netherlands. School is out, vacations have been planned, and for the first Summer since 2020, all the Dutch attractions are open without any limitations, and safe to visit once again. It is time ...

What to expect when you receive a job offer from a Dutch employer
You are expecting to receive a job offer so you can work in the Netherlands. Congratulations on earning it! Searching for a job in an unfamiliar country can be challenging, but now that you’ve made it this far, you’re probably ...

Work Visas in the Netherlands
Moving to a new country is exciting – but planning the paperwork is absolutely not. Nonetheless, finding the right work visa for the Netherlands is one of the first steps you need to solve before the move! Regardless of whether ...

Average Salaries In The Netherlands
Talent makes all the difference when it comes to the success of your business – especially in a foreign market. In order to attract (and retain) the talent you need to grow your business, it is important to understand the ...

Explained: Dismissal procedures in the Netherlands
Dismissals aren’t easy for anybody – least of all for employees, but especially business owners and HR teams unfamiliar with dismissal procedures in the Netherlands. If your business needs restructuring – and dismissals are your best option – it’s important ...

What to expect if you’ve lost your job while working in the Netherlands
Job loss is a fact of professional life – but you don’t have to be surprised by what comes next. While the uncertainty of losing a job can be stressful, both Dutch and non-Dutch people employed in the Netherlands can ...

Explained: Health insurance in the Netherlands
Getting ready to move expat employees to the Netherlands? The Dutch healthcare system is highly ranked for quality and innovation, but it is also unlike many other socialised healthcare systems in the world. We find that most expats (especially those ...